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The resume is designed to draw attention to yourself at the first, as a rule, correspondence acquaintance and to encourage the employer to invite the applicant to a personal meeting. You should pay attention to the requirements for its execution:
The title of the resume is the applicant's last name, first name, and middle name.
A brief description of what kind of position you are applying for. In case there are several open positions in the company, and they have similar content, it is worth listing them.
Address, phone number including area code, e-mail.
Stages of professional education are indicated with dates in reverse chronological order. You must specify:
It is also customary to describe your work experience in reverse chronological order, naming your position and function in front of the time and place of employment, with emphasis on professional achievements. It is necessary to include:
This section includes things that describe you as an employee, but are not directly related to specific job duties. For example:
This section should contain only those characteristics that are relevant to the intended position. The maximum list is 5 items.
In the conclusion the date of the resume and signature should be written.
For better understanding and writing your resume, it is worth taking to https://resumegets.com/.